Woolpit Community Primary School
At the ARC, we work closely with Woolpit Community Primary School
both in our everyday activities and in the transition of our Rising-5’s
over to the school.
The school has also kindly allowed us use of the playground and playing field facilities, and we also use the schools composting boxes. Woolpit Community Primary School is now officially an eco-school, having gained the Green Flag award in June 2009
In line with the school's 'Healthy Schools' status, we encourage healthy eating at the ARC through balanced snacks, and discourage sugary foods and drinks at our
Lunch Club
To help our Rising-5’s in their move over to the school, we work closely
with Mrs Lee, Hedgehog (reception) Class teacher, and Mrs Abbot the Learning Support Assistant
At the start of the summer term, the reception class teacher comes over
to the ARC to meet and read all the children stories. As the term develops the children begin to pay short visits to Hedgehog Class to give them a chance to get used to their new class room, and meet some of the pupils. Mrs Sewell, the school's Headteacher, will also visit the ARC during the summer term
If you would like any more information about how the transition works,
then please don’t hesitate to speak to us, or to Woolpit Community
Primary School
Most Recent Transition to Primary School
Here at the ARC we were really pleased to hear that the transition to
‘Big School’ in September (2014) was very smooth and easy for the children. At the ARC we pride ourselves in the fact that our sessions are child led. Children are allowed to choose which activities they want to do and are able
to take as much time as they need for each activity. If a child expresses a particular interest, we are able to make up activities around that interest on the spot. When the children move on to the Primary School, the Reception Class is also mainly child led. Reception Class also says 80% of the work
in class is child led. The ARC feels that this really helps the children to feel
comfortable in their surroundings and familiar with the way things work
"I feel that the ARC gave Sam a really good start in life and helped him feel confident for the move to Big School, where he settled in really well. Thank you" Sara Hursey, Parent
Contact details for Woolpit Community Primary School
Headteacher Mr Shaun Holland
Secretary Mrs Wells
Telephone 01359 240625
Email admin@woolpitprimary.net
Web www.woolpitprimary.net