Breakfast Club
8.00am - 9.00am
Breakfast Club is open from
8am until 9am for children
aged 2 years and up. We offer
a selection of cereals and toast,
as well as access to all the
usual facilities at the ARC
All the children who attend
Woolpit Primary are escorted
over for registration by a
member our staff
Pre-School Sessions
9.00am - 12.00pm
12.00pm - 3.00pm
Our pre-school sessions are for children aged
2 - 4 years. We provide a fun learning environment, and encourage learning through play
Each child is allocated a keyperson, although they
will be supervised by other members of staff, and each child has an individual folder which contains information about their ‘Learning Journey. ’We positively encourage parents to look at their child's folder and add any information or comments that they think are useful
Don’t forget that if your child is part-time at school,
the ARC is still open to them for Lunch Club and the afternoon Pre-School session.We have arrangements
in place with the school to collect your child from their classroom and escort them to the ARC
Lunch Club
12.00pm - 1.00pm
Lunch Club is available to all our pre-school children
(age 2 - 4yrs), and hot meals are available from the school at a cost of £2.20 (need to be pre-booked)
If your child is part-time at the school, then don’t forget that the ARC is still open to them during Lunch Club
(and/or the afternoon Pre-School session). Bring your own packed lunch or hot school dinners can also be booked at a cost of £2.20
After School Club
3.15pm - 6.00pm (school age children)
3.00pm - 6.00pm (children age 2 - 4yrs)
After School Club is open to all children aged
2-11 years. Activities include a Wii, arts and crafts, sporting activities, den making and much more
After School Club is now paid for by the hour so is more flexible to suit individual needs. Do you have one child at an after school club and another to collect at 3.15pm? Why not use After School Club for an hour? Or do you just need a bit more time now and then. See more details on the prices page
Holiday Club
8.00am - 6.00pm School holidays
More Details