Woolpit ARC - All Round Care
Parents' Zone


Pre-School Online Learning Journals


You can view your child's progress via the Tapestry Online Learning Journal.

(Email and password required). Sara Hursey will set this up when your child

joins the ARC.



Special Educational Needs & Disabilities


To find out more about how we provide for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities please see our 



Support/Fundraising Committee Meetings

Next meeting date - to be confirmed.


Usually held in Woolpit Bull every 6 - 8 weeks. It is a great way to get involved and new members are always welcome and very much needed and appreciated.

If you are interested in coming along to our next meeting, then please do! We would love to meet some new faces and make you welcome. If you can’t make the meetings but would like to know more please ask Hayley.

Support/Fundraising Committee News

Please remember to come along to our next meeting if you can. We still need parents, grandparents, friends to come forward and help us. It is not a lifelong commitment and can be fun and really rewarding. Without fundraising the ARC really would struggle to survive.



Woolpit ARC Vision Statement


To provide a childcare centre that is not just very good, but excellent.


Where the children who come here have the care, fun and education that they need, provided by staff who are well trained and who have the imagination and ability to give over and above the service expected.


Where family and friends can play a part in the service we provide and excellent partnership working is in place with Woolpit school.


Where the staff are fully involved in the day-to-day running of the childcare centre and work together as a team, understand that all have strengths and weaknesses and that all have value and worth.


Where staff behave in a manner that brings nothing less than credit to themselves

and the centre and where they will not compromise with ‘all right’ in the care they give, or in their behaviour towards colleagues.


Where children love to come and staff feel that we are the best place to work

and develop.


We want outside agencies, childcare centres, local authorities and staff in the childcare sector to see the Woolpit ARC as a benchmark to which they aspire both as a childcare centre and employer.





Woolpit Arc was established as a Play Group in Woolpit Village Hall and then in the Woolpit Institute.


In 2007 we opened the wonderful purpose built play centre that you can see today in the grounds of Woolpit Primary School.


“We are very proud of the Arc, our building is modern, well equipped and provides

 a fun and cosy place for the children to play and learn”

 Louise Everett, (Former Director)

“Being at the Arc is good, I like making tracks with the toy tractors in the flour”

Dylan, age 4





Woolpit Arc is managed by Hayley, who works alongside a dedicated and experienced team of early years educators.

Our staff are a lively, friendly and fun bunch of people!





Some of our Policies are online.


All of our policies are available from the ARC. Please do not hesitate to contact

Sara Hursey if you would like a copy of a particular policy.


Please remember, we operate an Open Door Policy at the ARC and welcome your

views and opinions.


We are always happy to answer your questions and discuss any concerns.



Directors Committee


A team of volunteer Directors run the business side of the ARC. Directors are elected each year at our AGM. If you are interested in finding out more about the Directors Committee, and/or Fundraising Committee, and would like to come to one of our meetings, then please get in touch with us