Woolpit ARC - All Round Care


9.00am - 12.00pm

12.00pm - 3.00pm

Morning Session  £18.00

Afternoon Session £18.00

(We also ask for £1 a week donation towards the snacks we provide for each child. This is a voluntary contribution. If you feel unable to make this contribution please let us know.)

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Our pre-school sessions are for children

aged 2 - 4 years. We provide a fun learning environment, and encourage learning through play.

Each child is carefully allocated a keyperson, although they will also be supervised by other members of staff. The Woolpit Arc team works with parents using Tapestry, the online journal to keep track of children's growth development and activities. You will be asked to create a password and be able to access your child’s own journal whenever you like. We can send you alerts so you know when we have added to it and keep up to date with your child at pre-school enabling you to check at home to see what your child has been doing today.

We also keep the children's artwork in their drawers, giving parents the opportunity to take it home.

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